• Boning knives

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  • 28.00 zł - 112.00 zł

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Special boning knives enable efficient and precise filleting of meat. Their unique shape and length adjusted to a specific type of products make them perfect for this task. The highest quality kitchen utensils, among which you will also find numerous punching machines, are available in our Wamma online store.

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Boning knife, blade 13 cm,...
Giesser Messer GmbH
  • Recommend
Price 49.00 zł tax excl.
60.27 zł tax incl.

Deboner knife, high-gloss polished blade.Curved, flexible blade.Blade length 15 cm.Designation: 12250 13.Available colors: black, yellow, red, blue.

Boning Knife, 13 cm blade,...
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 44.00 zł tax excl.
54.12 zł tax incl.

Deboner knife, high-gloss polished blade.Curved, flexible blade.Blade length 13 cm.Total length with a handle: 26.5 cm.Weight: 96 g.Available colors: black, yellow, red, blue.Designation: 12250 wwl 13.

Boning knife, semi-flexible...
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 54.00 zł tax excl.
66.42 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, high-gloss polished blade, ball cut, blade length 13 cm, curved, semi-flexible. Total length with handle: 40.5. cm.

Weight: 92 g.

Designation: 2505 wwl 13.

Available colors: black, yellow, blue.

Boning knife, semi-flexible blade 15 cm, GIESSER 2505 wwl 15
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 59.00 zł tax excl.
72.57 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, high-gloss polished blade, ball cut, blade length 15 cm, curved, semi-flexible.

Total length with a handle: 29 cm.

Weight: 95 g.

Designation: 2505 wwl 15.

Available colors: black, yellow, blue.

Boning knife, rigid grooved...
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 59.00 zł tax excl.
72.57 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, high-gloss polished blade, ball cut.

Blade length 15 cm.

Total length with a handle: 29 cm.

Weight: 105 g.

Available colors: black, yellow, blue.

Designation: 2515 wwl 15.

Boning knife, rigid blade...
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 70.00 zł tax excl.
86.10 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, high-gloss polished blade, ball cut.

Blade length 17 cm.

Total length with the handle: 31cm.

Weight: 105 g.

Available colors: black, yellow, blue

Designation: 2515 wwl 17.

Boning knife 13 cm, very flexible, GIESSER 2535 wwl 13
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 54.00 zł tax excl.
66.42 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, high-gloss polished blade, ball-cut, curved, very flexible.Blade length 13 cm.Total length with a handle: 27 cm.Weight: 89 g.Available colors: black.Designation: 2535 wwl 13.

Boning knife, flexible blade 15 cm, GIESSER 2535 wwl 15
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 59.00 zł tax excl.
72.57 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, high-gloss polished blade, ball cut.

Curved blade, very flexible.

Blade length 15 cm.

Total length with a handle: 29 cm.

Weight: 91 g.

Available colors: black.

Designation: 2535 wwl 15.

Boning knife, rigid grooved...
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 54.00 zł tax excl.
66.42 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, high-gloss polished blade, ball cut.

Classic shape with a straight back blade.

Blade length 13 cm.

Total length with a handle: 27 cm.

Weight: 114 g.

Available colors: black, yellow, blue.

Designation: 3105 wwl 13.

Boning knife blade 16 cm,...
Giesser Messer GmbH
Price 59.00 zł tax excl.
72.57 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, high-gloss polished blade, ball cut.

Classic shape with a straight back blade.

Blade length 16 cm.

Total length with a handle: 30 cm.

Weight: 116 g.

Available colors: black

Designation: 3105 wwl 16.

IVO trybownik wykrzywiony sztywny 13 cm
Price 23.50 zł tax excl.
28.91 zł tax incl.

A tribune knife, blade curved, stiff. Blade length 13 cm.

This high-quality knife has a stiff, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO trybownik wykrzywiony sztywny 15 cm
Price 28.00 zł tax excl.
34.44 zł tax incl.

Tribune knife, blade curved, hard. Blade length 15 cm.

This high-quality knife has a stiff, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO trybownik wykrzywiony sztywny 17 cm
Price 26.50 zł tax excl.
32.60 zł tax incl.

A tribune knife, blade curved, stiff. Blade length 17 cm.

This high-quality knife has a stiff, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

Ivo nóż trybownik rzeźniczy wygięty półelastyczny 13 cm
Price 26.00 zł tax excl.
31.98 zł tax incl.

Boning knife, curved, semi-flexible blade. Blade length 13 cm.

This high-quality knife has a semi-flexible, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO trybownik wykrzywiony półelastyczny 17 cm
Price 32.50 zł tax excl.
39.98 zł tax incl.

Tribune knife, curved, semi-flexible blade. Blade length 17 cm.

This high-quality knife has a semi-flexible, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO trybownik prosty 13 cm
Price 27.50 zł tax excl.
33.83 zł tax incl.

Tribune knife, straight blade. Blade length 13 cm.

This high-quality knife has a straight, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO trybownik prosty 15 cm
Price 28.80 zł tax excl.
35.42 zł tax incl.

Tribune knife, straight blade. Blade length 15 cm.

This high-quality knife has a straight, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO Nóż rzezniczy 13 cm, niebieski
Price 27.00 zł tax excl.
33.21 zł tax incl.

Butcher knife. Blade length 13 cm.

This high-quality knife has an ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO Nóż rzezniczy 15 cm, rączka żółta
Price 30.00 zł tax excl.
36.90 zł tax incl.

Butcher knife. Blade length 15 cm.

This high-quality knife has a straight, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO Nóż rzeźniczy 18 cm, czarny
Price 36.50 zł tax excl.
44.90 zł tax incl.

Butcher knife. Blade length 18 cm.

This high-quality knife has a straight, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

IVO Nóż rzeźniczy 20 cm, rączka czerwona
Price 43.00 zł tax excl.
52.89 zł tax incl.

Butcher knife. Blade length 20 cm.

This high-quality knife has a straight, thin, ultra- sharp blade that precisely separates bones from meat. Perfect for meat and fish plants.

Why is it worth choosing our meat boning knives?

In order for a meat boning knife to be reliable, it should have high quality standards. That is why in our store we have collected suggestions of popular brands that are aware of customer needs. So you will find both a rigid and flexible Giesser deboning knife or a specially bent Dick deboning knife. Thanks to this, you can easily choose the model best suited to your expectations, which will allow you to handle the meat without any obstacles. Our products are also characterized by durability thanks to the use of the highest quality stainless steel. This means that if you take care of them properly, you can use them for a really long time.

Which boning knife should you reach for?

Which deboner knife is best for you depends on your experience and needs. The one that you use to separate from the beef bones may have slightly different characteristics than the poultry boning knife. They will differ mainly in length. It is especially important to carefully select the rib deboning knife. It should be extremely precise to separate the meat from them with one move. This way you can also separate them from the skin and prepare them for further processing. To do this, use butcher's knives for boning, made with attention to detail and made of durable materials. It is worth choosing a knife with a handy, non-slip handle. It will improve the comfort of work and help to avoid uncontrolled movements. Thanks to this, no piece of meat will be wasted. So if you care about convenient and efficient boning of meat, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the details of the offer of our online store Wamma.